Why You Should Use Floor Mats in Your Facility

Why You Should Use Floor Mats in Your Facility

Ace the first impression - and the final moments with customers by investing in floor mats within your workplace. 

Don’t let anyone walk all over your commitment to safety

Floor mats are often skipped over by businesses, but they’re more than just a welcome mat on the floor.  Floor finishes are damaged by sand, dirt and grit as it grinds underfoot.  Properly placed entry mats remove, trap and hide dirt from your shoes keeping your floors cleaner and requiring less maintenance.  But there’s more!  At Ace, we offer a wide range of mat options, including Anti-Fatigue, Outdoor and Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), while also continuing branding of your business with custom logo printed mats. 

So you’re trying to cut down on cost? 

We get it, but these affordable mats help prevent workplace accidents, a cost no business owner wants to incur. According to the 2018 Liberty Mutual Insurance Workplace Safety Index US businesses paid more than $60 billion in direct workers compensation costs due to common workplace accidents including slips, trips and falls. This results in more than one billion dollars a week spent by businesses for these injuries. Protect yourself and your employees by investing in one of our beneficial and affordable products. 

Which mat is best for your business?

Read more about our offerings below - or leave it to the professionals - we’re happy to make recommendations based on business wants and needs.


Entry Mats – Keep the great outdoors – outdoors with professionally maintained matting systems. Properly placed and sized mats can remove up to 85% of the sand, dirt and grit that is carried in on footwear. This not only keeps your floors cleaner, but extends the life of the floor finishes and carpet fibers.

Logo Mats - Keep your business neat, tidy and on brand. These mats can be custom designed for your business needs.

Anti-Fatigue Mats - No one wants to sit at a desk all day, but standing for hours isn’t ideal either. Take some pressure off employees required to stand for long periods. These special mats allow leg muscles to contract and expand naturally, increasing blood flow and reducing fatigue.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Mats – All of our carpet-topped mats have carbon filaments woven throughout, helping to dissipate static buildup. Great for areas around computers, copiers, and other electronics.

Anti-Slip Mats – Ideal for restaurants, entrances, ramps and more, these mats are engineered to provide safe footing in slippery environments. 

Once you have decided on the perfect mats for your business, we will enroll you in a mat maintenance program, regularly cleaning, repairing or replacing your mats when necessary. Save yourself the trouble of cleaning your mats with a rental program with Ace. 

Are you ready to Ace safety at your facility with floor mats from Ace ImageWear? Contact us today!